Good Blog-keeping

For those of you who have missed my numerous subtle (and less than subtle) hints, I recently started a new film blog called 7 Films, 7 Days, in which I plan to post a film review for each day of the week for as long as I can stand it. You can find the blog here, and follow the associated Twitter stream here.

Consequently, any film-related news will henceforth be blogged about (and tweeted) through the 7 Films alter-ego, leaving Ebonics and Irony focused on my other interests, chiefly fiction writing and music. The film blog gives me something to work towards, but more importantly helps to overcome my writer’s block.

The next couple of chapters for Horns Of The Apocalypse are on the way, although I’m ditching the World Cup setting in favour of a more generic “ooh aren’t all massive sporting events a load of old bawbags” tip. I might even start using this as a ‘proper’ blog, too. You lucky lot.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Keep watching this space for the next phase in my no doubt riveting adventures.

Blog image sourced from wanderingone‘s Flickr stream.

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  • July 2010
    M T W T F S S